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What factors impact child custody decisions in California?

On Behalf of | Jun 12, 2023 | Divorce, Family Law

Dealing with child custody matters could be stressful for the divorcing couple and their children. These topics could lead to disputes because each parent has conflicting opinions on what is best for their child. Fortunately, the court could interfere to settle these vital matters based on facts and case details.

Typically, the court encourages divorcing couples to collaborate and set up arrangements that allow them to spend adequate parenting time with their child. However, some situations could be tricky. Sometimes, the case involves family disputes that could quickly escalate into severe fighting and disagreements.

The court could decide based on the child’s best interest in these situations. In complicated circumstances, the judge must advocate for the child’s welfare while considering various factors, including the following:

  • The child’s age, maturity and health
  • The child’s emotional attachments to each parent
  • Stability of the child’s home, school and social life
  • Each parent’s capacity to care and provide for their child
  • History or incidents of violence within the family
  • Other factors that affect the child’s safety, such as substance abuse

After assessing these factors, the court could make arrangements that prioritize your child’s best interest.

Other decisions included in the proceedings

Aside from custody and visitation, the court could help plan for other matters if the parents cannot agree. The judge could help finalize details for childcare, counseling, therapy, medical care, extracurricular engagements and travel.

The court considers these matters crucial to helping the child live a fruitful life following the divorce. Ideally, the parents could discuss and agree to setups for their child. If that is not possible, they could settle these by undergoing mediation or going to court. Nevertheless, these procedures aim to find resolutions that benefit the child.