Firm News
What should mothers expect to happen during a divorce?
No matter how certain you might be that a divorce is the best thing for your family, the process may still create confusion, trauma, and stress. Even if your California divorce is amicable, the process is often upsetting. Mothers undergoing a divorce typically worry...
Three important requirements for getting divorced in California
Divorces are disruptive events in the lives of San Diego residents and their kids. Though the decision to divorce may be easy, getting through the process without problems of conflicts can be difficult. Most individuals elect to work with trusted family law and...
How to create a parenting plan during divorce
During a divorce in the San Diego area there are many different issues that the couple must resolve as they separate their lives from one life to two lives. People must divide their physical possessions and other assets. They also must determine how they will care for...
What Factors Determine Alimony Payments?
Alimony or spousal support can be a hot topic of discussion during divorce, specifically when one spouse out-earns the other. Alimony is awarded to ensure that there are no unfair advantages in the aftermath of a divorce. Its purpose is to help both parties continue...